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it been a long time i have written anything on the blog. Wednesday morning, just finish a night job. Don't noe why after the night job, i am so tired.... i slept at 5am all the way till 3.30pm. actually wanted to wake up early, to go to bank, go swimming in the early evening.

Ended up, i only manage to go to bank... i am so lazy to go wk got to plan a day to go exercise...

Proverbs 10:2

Treasures from wickedness profit nothing, but righteousness delivereth from death
Proverbs 10:2
21st Century King James Version)

Pengarag 5th April 2009

On sunday, I went to malaysia - Pengara for a half day trip. Had a simple and fun time with my usual primary school classmates gang. =)

Resurrection Story

Resurrection Story

May your Easter be blessed!!!