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I'm With You Every Step Of The Way

I'm With You Every Step Of The Way

Although it may not always feel like it, God's love assures us that we are never alone-even in our most difficult times. Charming sculpture is a lovely way to comfort someone who needs spiritual refreshment.

Opening our hearts to God can lead us to small, yet perfect, acts of kindness.

Precious Moments figurines

Precious Moments Nativity Figurines: Come Let Us Adore Him - 30th Anniversary Deluxe Collectors' Edition Nativity

Celebrate the most blessed moment in history with a special 12-piece Nativity created and assembled to mark 30 years of Precious Moments. This heirloom quality work of art includes the Holy Family, shepherds and their lambs, the Three Kings and an 8 1/2" H wooden creche with an embedded medallion to commemorate the anniversary. Bisque Porcelain. Figurines are 1 1/2" to 5 1/4" H.

This is my wish list....


From adopting a pet, to mentoring a child,
the little things you do can make a big difference!

just wake up

I have just finished monday night job cross over to tuesday job. I think I began to feel nothing about the night job. Slept about 6 hours only.

Maybe I will feel tired during the daytime, but during night time it was not easy to sleep early. Nowaday I can only sleep after 1am which is not good. I always ended sleeping less than 5 hrs per day.

It just took a little change in perspective

By Marci Alborghetti, New London, CT

I was feeling sorry for myself. Lethargic and blue, I trudged along. The weather had been rainy and cold for days. The spring that all New Englanders yearn for seemed perpetually out of reach, and Lent seemed to be dragging on forever. Everything was gray and tedious and miserable as I wrestled with the umbrella that had become a seemingly permanent part of my walking garb.

Suddenly a flatbed truck came careening around the corner. Just as it passed me, the tractor it carried came loose and flew toward the sidewalk. My guardian angel must have been with me, because I somehow managed to drop my umbrella and roll onto the soft wet grass, barely out of the path of the crashing tractor.

The truck came to a screeching halt, and the driver came running back, all apologies. I was fine, but trembling violently. No one had been hurt, and the young man couldn't reload his equipment and get out of there fast enough.

After he left, I sat in the wet grass and looked around. Everything was different. The grass was the soft, luminescent green of early spring. As I looked hard at the grass, I could see some tiny crocuses poking up. The magnolia across the street appeared to have tight, tiny buds. And the sky definitely looked ready to clear. Easter was still a couple of weeks away, but I'd already gotten a chance at a new life, and I wasn't about to waste it.

provided to Precious Moments by

Dena: All we just need is to look at situation from another view, we will realise we have so much more in our life. Look at what we have and not we don't have. A half empty cup, from another perspective are a half fill cup. why keep thinkng of the empty portion but ignore the fill portion. cheers
