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Exams Stress

Recently i find i am vy stressful.... the more i try to do things right, the more i feel i cant do anything right....

sometime i am really wonder, what i can really seem like there are nothing i able to do.... i not able to study well, my work are so so only. nothing is outstanding at all.... what i really go at?

Now my first paper are next sat but till now i still don understand what i am studying.... donnoe what to do.....=(

Final online quiz

Today I have just clear my online quiz.... but i not sure if i need to re-do the quiz a not. After i completed the quiz and clicked on the submit,the window auto shutdown. Therefore i dont noe if the submit is it successful.. haiz....

I have also sent an email to check with my sir. Now have to wait till monday, for him to get back to me....haiz....just my luck....

I am still feeling vy tired....till now i havent fully recover from my diarrhea. Hope i able to fully recover soon and stop having nightmare....


I have no ideas what have happen. On the 10th Nov just before I went to office to work at abt 10pm+ was the first time I went to toilet. Didn't think anything wrong with me.

Only when I reach office at slightly after midnight, I feel stomach very upset. During the long night I went to the toilet a few times. This morning, it was the pain so bad till I nearly faint....

Even till now, my stomach still feel very upset. I really hope by tml I will be all rite. Sleep too much today till I am still vy awake.

Primary classmates gathering at east coast bbq 8 Nov 2008

The gathering on that day was really great.... I had a really fun time with my friends.... My god-sister brought the whole family along. Her 3 children and husband.... =)

That day itself zhiming had a small accident while trying to help 2 ladies from the pit beside us open red wine bottle. The cut was deep that Zhiming had 6 stitches on both his hand at the clinic. Yixin & I sent him to the clinic at bedok. It really scare us, as we saw that his blood keep flowing out non-stop.

At abt 3am+ when we abt to leave the place, it sudden rain so heavily till all of us was wet and cool. All of us feel we back to primary school times as we recall our last time being caught in the rain like this. Bring back a lot of memories.

After the guys have part, yixin, ping went to my home to stay over. we chat till abt nearly 7am then we fall asleep. =)

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